Jean Brownlie, M.A.

Hybrid Consultant | Interpersonal Skills Trainer | Writer
Your Partner in Bringing Out the Best in People


Training lays the foundation to learn about ourselves and others. The ability to utilize people’s differences collaboratively.... Learn more ->


Experience has taught us training alone does not always provide the desired results. For pre-employment, new employee…. Learn more ->


Learn how to bring out the best in people by reading articles, download a step-by-step process or a sign up for a series of mini-lessons......Read more ->

Growing Successful Leaders by Growing
Valuable People

Wondering how to bring out the best in people? Download your Free Step-by-Step guide on, How to Win at Growing Valuable People: How to Bring Out the Best in People. Get started today!

How Do I Get Great Employees?

You have your workforce in place, and you are looking to hire talented leaders. You need motivated employees and skilled leaders. You’ve hired highly capable people who later became apathetic or left the company. What do you do?

You grow your own valuable people and create successful leaders.

If you are looking to grow your business, you need dedicated employees with a strong sense of purpose. People want to feel what they do is important. Focusing on their strengths and providing the support to grow allow employees to thrive.

How Do I Keep Great Employees?

Managers as both boss and coach are an important part of this process. They are managing employees from multiple generations with diverse backgrounds and expectations. Are your leaders able to help managers connect the larger organizational purpose to individual jobs?

Successful teams are teams whose people feel included and empowered to complete the task. Learning to value differences while working toward collaboration is an essential part of growing valuable people.

You can be the leader that your team wants to follow.

How I Can Help

For over 30 years, I have worked with dedicated leaders like you to build a workforce they can depend on and be proud of! As a consultant and trainer, I have a keen understanding of relationships and a strong business sense to help you lay a solid foundation for growth.

Together, we can create a winning strategy to grow your people and train your leaders to build a culture based on trust and collaboration.


“Once you understand how people process information, you can motivate them to create a culture of high productivity and job satisfaction.”
— Jean Brownlie, Founder

How to Set Attainable Goals and Maintain Your Motivation

* By Cheryl Conklin, Guest Writer Goal setting can be tricky. Too often, our goals are vague, unattainable, and set ...
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How to be the Healthiest, Happiest Version of Yourself

* By Cheryl Conklin, Guest Writer Living your best life shouldn’t be something you just do on the odd occasion. ...
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Meeting Your Expectations

How to Motivate People to Want to Meet Your Expectations

If you are regularly tolerating or accepting results which do not meet your expectations, a new approach can help. The ...
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The Solutions

The key is to look past the behaviors to identify underlying issues to develop solutions that bring long-lasting results. I’ll help you find the right strategy that works for YOU and your business. Every company is unique, even within the same industry. Your employees determine your work culture.

If the culture is nonproductive and unsupportive of change, hiring the right people will not make any difference. Together, we will find your employees who are willing to grow with you to create an inclusive thriving culture. Having a support system in place to help you implement it makes all the difference between being stuck and thriving!






of employees worldwide are not actively engaged at work.
- Gallup Poll, 2018


higher earnings by companies with a highly engaged workforce than competitors.
- Gallup Poll, 2018


of managers said they did not receive management training.
-, 2019

The Key

I’ll help you find the right strategy that works for YOU and your business. Every company is unique, even within the same industry. Your employees determine your work culture.

If the culture is nonproductive and unsupportive of change, hiring the right people will not make any difference. Together, we will find your employees who are willing to grow with you to create an inclusive thriving culture. Having a support system in place to help you implement it makes all the difference between being stuck and thriving!


Jean Brownlie

Download your Free Step-by-Step guide on, How to Win at Growing Valuable People: How to Bring Out the Best in People. Get started today!