Find The Goodness In People

“The goodness in a person runs much deeper than a moment in time.” ~Jean Brownlie WorkerSmarts LLC

 As a teacher, I always tried to find something good in every student. It made it easier to connect with them, care about them so they could more easily receive what I was teaching.

Sometimes you have to look beyond the obvious to find it.

You need an open heart and an open mind when you go searching for the goodness in people. If you look hard enough, there is goodness in everyone even those who do everything they can to try hide it because they have been hurt by someone.

Take the time to look and you’ll be surprised what you find and how it can change both your lives.

Happy hunting!


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.