Find Inspiration And Motivation

If money were not the object, what would you do? Getting your inspiration back can be a challenge but thinking about something other than making money can do it.I love to help people, listen to their stories or problems, and celebrate their successes with them. I can get lost talking with people about the things that excite them. That excitement is contagious! Finding my “tribe” has been fluid for me even when I was in high school. I enjoy the deep thinkers that challenge my intellect but I also enjoy being creative with more of a free spirit like entrepreneurs, and I like being the organizer – the one that pulls it all together. When I was a single adult, my tribe called me the “cruise director” because I’d plan the fun options for the weekend for anyone who wanted to come. I am a great motivator, listener, organizer, storyteller, and like to start a project from scratch and pass it off to someone else to maintain. So I’m multi-faceted and it’s hard for me to choose one thing. But the best time was being the ‘cruise director’. It combined most of these strengths and I didn’t even know it because it was so much fun! What’s fun for you? Maybe it’s time for you to take a trip down memory lane and see what comes to the surface. You may just find your inspiration! ~Jean

The 11 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Feel Uninspired

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.