Leaders Start With A Common Purpose

“Without followers, there are no leaders.” ~Jean Brownlie

Not just any followers, leaders need ‘willing’ followers. The challenge is, getting people to follow us as leaders because they want to, rather than because they have to.

People who trust your leadership will want to follow you.

People who follow us because they want to, do it because they believe what we believe. There is a clear, consistent purpose that others can get behind as to why we do what we do. That’s what builds trust in our leadership.

Open and consistent communication that is inclusive.

Inclusive communication means people are invited, listened to, and their comments are considered in conversations. It is during these conversations that people understand where they are going and how to get there.

People feel they are making a difference in what they do.

Great leaders understand that people need to feel they are important to their job and their job is significant in the process to achieve results. Many times, people who never see the ‘fruits of their labor’ feel that what they do does not matter – ergo, they do not have to do it well. Let people see how what they do affects the outcome, no matter what job they do.

Building a more positive work environment.

When people trust our leadership, they are more willing to forgive and forget for the sake of the common purpose. They know they are important to the process and have a sense of belonging and pride in doing their job well. It’s all about building a common purpose through relationships.


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.