6 Tips For Building Trust

Companies often ask me how to regain trust or build trust within their employees. To get the foundation you want, you have to dig deeper into ‘people issues’. The word ‘transparency’ is not just a buzz word, it is the heart of a company or a team. Be honest. That means information is shared and questions answered honestly. Sometimes you have to honestly tell people that you cannot share all the information now but you will as soon as you are able.

Calm their fears. Share as much as you can including things like ‘we are not talking about lay-offs’ or ‘your jobs are safe’ if a big change is about to come and you cannot share it yet.

Make good on your word. Do no say something you cannot back up. Then you lose trust. Be honest and as open as you can.

It takes managerial courage. Embrace the pain of change. It hurts more after you start the process before you get to your goal. This is when managers often give up. But if you persist, it will get better until it you are no longer building but maintaining the foundation.

Be inclusive. Avoid cliques and share the information with everyone. Knowledge shared is powerful.

Most of all, be consistent. That is what builds trust in relationships.

Trust is earned over time but can be broken in an instant. If it is broken, admitting mistakes, apologizing, and not repeating offenses, gets you well on your way again to a trusting relationship.

To get the foundation you want, you have to dig deeper into people issues. ~Jean Brownlie

Bonus: Here’s a cool interactive game as to why and how we trust. Play the a game by @LJampol called The Evolution of Trust Game.


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.