Focus On The Good Things

In the workplace, we can get so focused on a project or delivering a service the right way and on time, we only see what needs to be completed and corrected. If good people only hear what they do wrong, they feel unappreciated, burned out, and may eventually leave.

“If you concentrate too much on the bad, you’ll lose the good.” ~ Jean Brownlie

I’m not a fan of winter but I love fall. I saw some trees turning colors this week and I started thinking about how much I dislike the cold weather, being stuck indoors, all the things I dislike about winter. Finally, I realized I was missing my favorite season, fall with all it’s glorious colors by focusing too much on what was coming next. The same is true in the work environment.

In the workplace, we can get so focused on a project or delivering a service the right way and on time, we only see what needs to be completed and corrected. If good people only hear what they do wrong, they feel unappreciated, burned out, and may eventually leave. Be sure to start with recognizing what is going well before what needs improvements. Take time to celebrate the small achievements before moving onto the next task.

Our daily lives can get us feeling down if we concentrate on the work we did not get done instead of the projects we did complete. Summer is almost over and I still have lots of outdoor projects I did not get done. I can choose spend my time feeling bad about what’s not done or I can think about projects I did accomplish like the new landscaping around our house.

I enjoyed more time with family and friends which why I didn’t get some of the projects done. I don’t regret this decision because these projects can wait and there is still time to finish them. I won’t get them all done this year but I can celebrate what I did accomplish. Most importantly, I cherish the time spent with the people I care about because they may not be there next year.

If we stay stuck, we will miss the joyful times in life and often spoil a chance for others to enjoy it as well. Focus on the good in life while it is here. Take time to relish in a project well done. Add time for creativity and gratitude in your daily routine. Spend time with the people you care about and enjoy. Soon you will find yourself happier and healthier.

It all starts with a choice on what we want to concentrate on in our lives. Jean

Contact Jean Brownlie at WorkerSmarts LLC to learn how you can have a more positive work environment.

Certified Trainer| Consultant| SME Curriculum Advisor| Online Instructor| Tech Writer

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.