Dare To Be You!

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to meet the expectations of others. The pressure builds until I realize I am trying to be what others want me to be instead of being myself. I’m living in a self-imposed prison. Dare to be yourself.

Don’t let others dictate who you are supposed to be or how you are to behave. Dare to be yourself. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to meet the expectations of others. The pressure builds until I realize I am trying to be what others want me to be instead of being myself. I’m living in a self-imposed prison. I start making decisions based on what others think of me and I cannot please everyone. Usually, I please no one, especially myself. It’s exhausting!

It is so much easier to be myself.

Once I stop worrying about what others think of me, life gets so much easier. I’m less stressed and I follow the path that matches my values and beliefs. My energy and my creativity return. I am comfortable being me. I will never be able to please everyone but I can be true to myself. Others are more relaxed around me because I’m more relaxed.

It’s fun to be me!

It may feel funny at first if you have not been yourself for a long time. It may take some reflection on what’s important to you and what you need to eliminate in your life to make room for the things you enjoy. It’s a little scary at times. Some people won’t like the new you because you might not be meeting their expectations of you. The people who are your true friends will get used to it and be happy to be around the real you. Don’t worry about those who do not understand. Concentrate on those that do. Give it a try and dare to be you!

“The greatest prison is the one you build based on what others think of you.” ~ Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.