Give Back To The Communities Who Support You

Giving back to the communities who support your business not only promotes goodwill but is one of the best forms of publicity. Donating to projects with your time, resources, and financial backing goes beyond your customer base. It’s so much bigger. Today, I gave to the ‘Pack a Backpack’ fund sponsored by local schools to feed hungry children. The money goes to pack a backpack with food so the child does not have to go hungry over the weekend. It felt so good to give! So giving back to your communities boosts morale within your business as well.

There are a lot of companies I see on social media sites that give back to communities, not just during times of disaster but all year long. It is the time of year we think about different charities; adopt a family for the holidays; give to food banks; volunteer to help at a free Thanksgiving dinner; or buy a gift for a child. These are wonderful charities but we can do more than give once a year when we are reminded of the need. The needs are endless and don’t stop because the holidays are over.

I’d like businesses to share the ways they give back to their communities. I know a lot of you do! Let’s celebrate on what we can accomplish together in the lives of people who may not know about the wonderful things you do all year long.



Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.