Positive Pledges For Positive Change

Do you wish you enjoyed your job and your life more than you do? You can and it starts with you. Once you change your thought process, it becomes contagious and soon others will become more positive around you.

Do you want to enjoy your life and work more than you do? Does your work environment tend to be negative? You can enjoy life more and it starts with you. Write a list of positive pledges for yourself. These can be personal or professional. Place them where you can see them everyday such as a bathroom mirror and read them to yourself throughout the day. Changing ourselves starts with our thought process. We ‘say it’ until it becomes automatic, a part of us and we accept it as true.

Here are some examples of positive pledges to get you started:

  • I will not compare myself to others.
  • I will not be so hard on myself.
  • I will not let guilt bug me.
  • I will tell others how great a job they are doing.
  • I will remember we all make mistakes.
  • I will know that I can make a difference.

The next step is to start taking action on pledges. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we will be happy for others success by telling them they did a great job. Your positive attitude can be contagious. Others will want to work with you and enjoy your company.

Negativity breeds negativity. In turn, a positive attitude breeds positivity. You will feel better, less stress, lower blood pressure, and sleeping though the night are a few benefits of a positive attitude. Learning to let things go or tapping into their spiritual life are others ways people have lessened the stress in their life.

Enjoy the benefits of positive thoughts in your health and your relationships.

Have a great year!


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.