Imagine The Blissful Sound Of Working Together

Imagine the difference a leader can make if they empower others to take the leading role.

Not everyone can have the leading role.

When I was a teenager, I played in the band. I was thrilled when I got to play the melody. I hated playing harmony – a few notes here and there. I couldn’t hear how the notes I played made a difference in the music. My part seemed unimportant.

Today, I sing with the worship team at church. Now, I wish I knew how to sing harmony. I can hear how the blending of different notes creates a more beautiful sound.

That is what different opinions on a team can sound like – beautiful music as they work out the details together. Just as in music, sometimes someone will hit a sour note. With encouragement and understanding from teammates, the sour note begins to find its purpose and the project becomes richer and fuller.

Imagine the difference a leader can make if they empower others to take a leading role.

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business. Click the button below to learn more about how she can help your business thrive.

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.