How to be the Healthiest, Happiest Version of Yourself

* By Cheryl Conklin, Guest Writer

Living your best life shouldn’t be something you just do on the odd occasion. Rather, it should be something we strive to do each and every day. So, if you haven’t been feeling like the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, here are some helpful tips on how you can get there, courtesy of Jean Brownlie.

Time for Self-Care

Self-care means setting aside time to do those things you enjoy whether it be jogging, baking, cooking, cycling, or just taking a nap to re-energize your mind and body. More importantly, it’s about paying attention to the warning signs that may be pointing toward the fact that you are in dire need of a break and then acting on these feelings so that you don’t experience the negative effects of burnout.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

The role food plays in our overall health and well-being is something that cannot be emphasized enough. Eating a well-balanced diet that consists of the five different food groups is an excellent place to start if you want to kickstart your health journey in the best possible way.

Personalize Your Home Space

One of the best ways to inject positivity into your day is to change your environment if it is less than inspiring. So, this might mean decluttering all those things that might be making you feel unenthusiastic about coming home on a daily basis. Then you can concentrate on reorganizing your home, letting in more natural light and fresh air so that it reflects more of your personality so that you can feel more at ease in your environment. Perhaps, a fresh and more exciting home environment is what your family needs too if they’ve been acting out lately.

Rely on Routine to Help Get Through the Day

Sometimes the very reason we don’t end up achieving all that we set out to is that we don’t have a set routine in place. And even if we do, we don’t always have the willpower to stick to what we originally planned to do. Then, when we fall behind schedule, we can end up feeling frustrated with life, or rather with our progression in life. Or we just might not have enough time for ourselves at the end of the day which may cause us to feel tired out and run down. So, if you’re finding that you can’t quite keep up with all your tasks, then make use of an online diary or time management tools to help you organize your day better.

Switch to Working from Home

Perhaps, you have been at your job for such a long time that it is no longer fulfilling to you, in which case you should consider making a career change for the better. But suppose you don’t wish to change jobs so suddenly. You could arrange to work from home more often so that you have more time for yourself because you can spend the time you would be commuting with your family.

It can also open up your schedule more so that you can work on improving your eating plans as well as give you the extra time to work out if you need to, as well as the extra time to plan healthy meals for your family and the time out you need for your mental health if you’re feeling stressed in this area.

Doing the Best You Can

Ultimately, looking and feeling your best means actively pursuing those things that are in your best interest so that you can make the most of your day and of every opportunity that comes your way.

Jean Brownlie is a hybrid consultant, interpersonal skills trainer and writer who coaches individuals to improve their personal lives allowing them to stay focused at work. Call 641-751-3419.

Special thanks to Cheryl Conklin, for writing this post. It’s helped me start again. Jean

Image via Pexels

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.