When Opposites Attract

When you learn about different personality temperaments, you often find out that we marry or are attracted to opposites. The differences are a fascination but later we find out the some of the very things that attracted us are the things that now drive us crazy.

Learning to understand these differences is key to a healthy relationship. Some things will blend and start getting better but the way we think and process information in our brain does not change. We can learn to be less messy but the process we think through to become more organized is unlikely to change.

For example, I’m more on the left and my husband is more on the right. He could actually train me to keep track of him and his stuff so his side would look more like mine but in reality, he’s not really changing his thought process. Instead, he’s trained me!

We discovered it was much less stressful for both of us if we allowed room for each of us to be ourselves. We have separate computers, work desks, etc. Some things are shared and we’ve worked out compromises.

I just got a new cell phone today and the clerk was explaining how key words pop up when you are texting. I love using the keywords and my husband hates them. He turns the cell phone the long way to text and I keep it straight. He likes all the buttons he uses on the first screen, I like to see a picture of my grandkids and I don’t want them covered up with buttons!

It’s these little things that can really irritate if you don’t learn to laugh and accept the other person can set up their cell phone however they want to. The clerk said he had the same problem with his girlfriend.

If you choose to laugh at these differences, think how much joy they can bring instead of upset or anger. Allow the people in your life to be who they were created to be and learn how much fun it can be in the process.

Wishing you much laughter!


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.