Be Right Or Maintain The Relationship

Be right or have the relationship. That is your choice sometimes. I just had this conversation with a friend who was at a standstill with his teenage son. Neither could hear each other because they each had their own agenda so they were not listening. I told my friend, your son needs to know you still love him before he can hear you. Your relationship has been broken and needs to be repaired before you can have an influence over him. He kept saying ‘but I’m right!’ I told him that he could choose to be right or choose a relationship with his son. It was up to him.

I’m glad to report, months later their relationship is finally restored and his son is able to move onto training for a job. They still have their ups and downs but at least now they know underneath it all, they still love each other.

Make sure the ones you love know it, especially when things are not going well.

Happy Relationships!

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.