Lawnmower Parents Vs. Helicopter Parents

“Lawnmower parents” are the latest parenting trend. Under the guise of protection, these parents walk in front of their children clearly a path of anything in their way so they do not learn how to face adversity. Later, they will realize that their children struggle at the smallest obstacle and have trouble becoming independent responsible adults. Why? Because these parents do not trust others to care for their children even teachers, coaches, and caregivers. They do everything with their kids. These parents are unwittingly robbing their children of valuable lessons thinking they are actually protecting them.

Think back to your own childhood. When did you learn the most? Probably when you made a mistake. Use those ‘teachable moments’ when they have made a mistake and they are ready to try something different. Keep them safe but allow them to make mistakes. By learning to overcome adversity, it builds confidence in the child that they can manage other situations. The lessons go easier when they start learning them when they are young. Once they are grown, it may be too late.

After all, most of us learn best from doing it ourselves and learning from our failures. It builds character and self-assurance that they will need in their adult life. Read more about lawnmower parents in the article below.

Teach your children good life lessons when they are young.


Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.