
A Portrait of Jean Brownlie

My Story

Hi, I’m Jean Brownlie. I have always gotten great joy from the success of others. As early as the age of five, I was organizing the children in the nursery, giving them roles in an activity which I spontaneously created. Each child had a part where they could shine. It was easy to get them to cooperate since they felt good about their contributions.

Later as a vocational teacher, my ability to see the potential in students and work with their uniqueness, opened the gates for all students to learn. A heavy dose of encouragement and a little flexibility kept the students on task. Discipline was used as a ‘teachable moment’, a way to turn a mistake into a life lesson.

Soon, I began to realize I had a gift for bringing out the best in others. After teaching my first college-level sociology class, I had to get my master’s degree. As a sociologist, I studied people

and patterns to understand human behavior. Identifying the patterns helped me to anticipate how someone might respond in different situations. Suddenly, the possibilities to help people were endless!

My love of learning is a huge part of my success. As a coordinator, I identified a topic, hired an expert, designed the class, conducted marketing and managed the budget. And, I got to attend for free! My ability to supervise a large project, break it down into manageable steps, assign tasks and achieve results was ideal for creating start-up programs.

As a Business Solutions Consultant, I applied my keen understanding of relationships and strong business sense to business and industry. I provided relevant, interactive trainings for immediate application in the areas of conflict resolution, communication, supervision, team building, utilizing differences and embracing change. As a consultant, I listened to determine the underlying business issues and offer solutions.

Today, I am a hybrid consultant, interpersonal skills trainer and writer for in my own business, WorkerSmarts LLC. I coach individuals to improve their personal lives allowing them to stay focused at work. I partner with leaders to identify underlying issues and develop strategies to unlock their potential. As a writer, I design training materials and courses for you to use to bring out the best in your employees.

I am looking to partner with leaders who desire to bring out the best in their
employees to grow their business. If this is you, please contact me.

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