Shaking Hands in Agreement

Feeling tired? Never enough time to get everything done? Learning how to effectively delegate can reduce stress and get more accomplished. There are five reasons people do not like to delegate. Identifying your reluctance can be the first step towards learning to delegate strategically. It might not be done my way. As we know from…

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A Quote by Brene Brown

Have you ever been afraid to speak up at a meeting? I have, even when I knew I had the solution. Courage starts when we choose to show up and have the hard conversations even though it’s scary. It’s where we find passion, joy and creativity because we chose to take the risk, be vulnerable…

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A Group of Friends Forming a Star Using Their Fingers

Teams who understand their common purpose can set aside their differences to achieve the desired results. They know how to keep the focus on the end goal without letting personal desires get in the way. It takes shared knowledge and a level of maturity to reach the desired outcomes. Teamwork cannot exist where bullying is…

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A Busy Workspace

Some leaders want to be the best leader. Others want to develop their people. Their is a difference in their focus which will affect the employees and the future of the organization. Which type of leader do you prefer? Someone asked me this question the other day. Would you rather have a surgeon wanting to…

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A Man Looking Through His Window

Learning to be happy in an unhappy situation can lead you to better options. First, you have to believe you are worth it before others will see it. These five steps will help you go from being unhappy to hopeful and finally to being happy. Do you hate your work? Even if you are working…

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A Woman Posing With a Peace Sign

Conflict often starts with our own perceptions of the situation. Right or wrong, we are influenced by our past experiences. Take a step back and think about the person and what their intent might be before you respond. When you feel someone is attacking you, you do not have to respond with anger. It takes…

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Money On a Person’s Palm

In the past years, emphasis has been given on leadership styles based on their approach to managing the company well. Today, the push is to lead with your heart. There is an invisible pendulum that swings between effective fiscal responsibility and great people skills. The truth is, a successful leader needs to have strong skills…

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Two People Shaking Hands

It’s the small things we do in the workplace that speak volumes to our employees. The ways we can show them we value them as individuals, not just for the work they do. The last few days, we’ve had some dedicated men roofing our garage in bitter cold winter weather. I’ve been feeding them a…

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A Dump Truck Unloading

Some people are like garbage trucks – when they are full, they dump their garbage on others. It’s hard not to take it personally when you are the one who was gifted their smelly garbage. It’s not fair, it’s not right and it stinks! Recently, someone asked me how I could be nice to someone…

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Inside an Airplane

True heroes are team players. The story of the plane crash on April 17, 2018 focused on the ‘nerves of steel’ of one crew member, Captain Tammie Jo Shults. Her skill and calmness under pressure are only two traits that make her a hero. Today, all five crew members were interviewed on a morning talk…

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