A Woman Posing by the Gulf State Park Pier

Ever feel like you take one step forward and three steps back? Recently, I shared my personal story of turning failure into success. Now, I share how a change in attitude maintained my momentum in this next personal story. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called “4 Steps to Turn Failure into Victory”…

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A Day at the Beach

Research shows employees who use their vacation time each year perform better, are more productive and have greater job satisfaction. However, employees are reluctant to use their vacations times. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2011 that 90% of workers were given paid or unpaid leave at their work. Yet, more than 50%…

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A Bike Behind a Tree

How many times have you failed at reaching a goal even if its something you really want? I share my own personal story of how I went from failure to victory. I purchased a bike last year and started riding for the first time in 20 years. I wanted to get healthy and socialize. My…

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A Man Working Hard

Excellent candidates for skilled labor jobs may be overlooked because of a change in employer expectations. Here’s some options you can consider to fill your open positions. The expectations of employers have changed which have added to the shortage of skilled labor. The following information has been collected from individuals who have struggled to find…

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A Hand Raised in a Field

Have you ever found yourself in the same rut over and over again? In order to change the outcome, we have to take steps along the way to learn how we got in the ‘pothole’ in the first place. Then we can choose another path. Have you ever found yourself in the same rut over…

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A Woman Holding a Warm Cup of Coffee

Do you wish you enjoyed your job and your life more than you do? You can and it starts with you. Once you change your thought process, it becomes contagious and soon others will become more positive around you. Do you want to enjoy your life and work more than you do? Does your work…

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Two People High-Fiving Each Other

Giving back to the communities who support your business not only promotes goodwill but is one of the best forms of publicity. Donating to projects with your time, resources, and financial backing goes beyond your customer base. It’s so much bigger. Today, I gave to the ‘Pack a Backpack’ fund sponsored by local schools to…

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The Power of Technology

One of the hardest decisions is knowing when to give up on someone and or let them go. People cannot concentrate on work if they are worried about things at home. You can say, ‘leave your problems at home’ but can it really be done? Most people bring their issues to work and then work…

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Two Women Discussing and Pointing at Something

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to meet the expectations of others. The pressure builds until I realize I am trying to be what others want me to be instead of being myself. I’m living in a self-imposed prison. Dare to be yourself. Don’t let others dictate who you are supposed to be or how you…

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A Workplace

In the workplace, we can get so focused on a project or delivering a service the right way and on time, we only see what needs to be completed and corrected. If good people only hear what they do wrong, they feel unappreciated, burned out, and may eventually leave. “If you concentrate too much on…

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