Two Parties Coming to an Agreement During a Meeting

Just as in gardens, businesses can get overgrown with weeds – unresolved issues and people not working. You must dig out the weeds and dead plants at the root so they do not return. If you just pull the tops of the weeds, you could be spreading the bad seeds making them stronger and more…

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A Man On His Laptop

Companies often ask me how to regain trust or build trust within their employees. To get the foundation you want, you have to dig deeper into ‘people issues’. The word ‘transparency’ is not just a buzz word, it is the heart of a company or a team. Be honest. That means information is shared and…

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A Chess Game

If you had to choose, would you rather have easy or effective? Decisions can be made quickly and easily if we had been in this same situation before and know what works, for now at least. It takes patience, critical thinking skills, asking the right questions, and regular communication with your employees to make effective…

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Jean Brownlie’s Feature in Real Colors

Honored to be featured as the Certified Facilitator Spotlight for REAL Colors. Truly an amazing program I’ve used to help over 5,000 people gain understanding and become better communicators, co-workers, and teammates through the process. Jean Brownlie REAL-Colors-Facilitator-3

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The Key to Managing People

What does it take to be successful as a manager? It takes more than knowledge and technical skills. This project manager has the winning combination. While in Mobile, Alabama waiting for a flight to Dallas, I met a young couple with two little boys. They were headed to DesMoines and I was seated by the…

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IT Recruitment With Human Approach

“Without followers, there are no leaders.” ~Jean Brownlie Not just any followers, leaders need ‘willing’ followers. The challenge is, getting people to follow us as leaders because they want to, rather than because they have to. People who trust your leadership will want to follow you. People who follow us because they want to, do…

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A Man Wearing a Blue Sweater While Working

The skills needed to build relationships in our personal lives also apply to our professional lives. Knowing when to walk away and say nothing versus the time to talk things out. It takes practice and persistence to build the trust necessary to succeed. Sometimes it’s best to walk away for awhile before you try to…

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A Quote From Jean Brownlie

People’s perceptions are their reality of you. My husband and I were invited to a social gathering where he mentioned I used to be a Home Ec. teacher. Immediately, I saw people’s expressions change and they began apologizing for the food, their home not being clean enough, etc. I tried to reassure them saying it was…

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Jean Brownlie’s Quote Regarding Interdependent Factors

Sometimes we end up in win-lose situations. I just came from one of those meetings where members had to vote on an issue of great concern. Some people asked for 100% agreement, which considering the opposing positions was not going to happen. Others were very focused on the here and now, addressing only the current…

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Q and A

Delegation requires trust. To delegate to others, we must first recognize and dispel the five most common excuses we give to not trust others to do our work. Reason #1: It might not be done my way.  People have different work styles. It is hard to delegate something if you expect that person to do it…

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