A Happy Couple

“Learning the love language of acts of service will require some of us to reexamine our stereotypes of the roles of husbands and wives.” ~Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages We started our with ‘traditional’ expectations but learned quickly that we each had a different idea of ‘traditional’ roles. So through what I like to…

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Representation of People That are Opposites

When you learn about different personality temperaments, you often find out that we marry or are attracted to opposites. The differences are a fascination but later we find out the some of the very things that attracted us are the things that now drive us crazy. Learning to understand these differences is key to a…

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A Couple’s Photo

Before I married my husband Lars, a bachelor of 40 some years, I told him that our relationship was going to be the hardest work he had ever done but also the most rewarding. I also told him that I did not settle for mediocre but was always striving to improve myself and my relationships.…

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A Quote from the Positive Outlooks on Facebook

Be right or have the relationship. That is your choice sometimes. I just had this conversation with a friend who was at a standstill with his teenage son. Neither could hear each other because they each had their own agenda so they were not listening. I told my friend, your son needs to know you…

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A Wall Mural

Tips to help those we love feel better about themselves. Most people have trouble with low self-esteem at one time or another, especially those who brag about themselves or sound arrogant. We all have ways of coping during these times. The opposite of arrogance is putting yourself down in order to raise up the other person…

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A Group of People and Their Thought Bubbles

Three steps to successful outcomes. Have you ever gotten upset and said something that made the situation worse? Most of us have ‘reacted’ at some time in our conversations. A wise person once taught me these 3 simple steps. If executed in the right order, they can make a huge difference in your outcomes. Step…

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A Family

It’s not easy to balance work and family but here are a few tips that can make your challenge a little easier. Perfect balance is impossible but there are things you can do to create a better balance between your home life and work. As a single parent for years and now parent of two…

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A Quote from @Workersmarts

My son taught me this lesson years ago. They would have cleaning chores and when I came home from work, I would find the spots they missed. He finally asked me why I only saw what they missed and not what they got done. Out of the mouths of babes!I told my sons, “it stops…

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