
A Quote From Jean Brownlie

Peoples Perceptions Are Their Reality Of You

People’s perceptions are their reality of you. My husband and I were invited to a social gathering where he mentioned I ...
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Jean Brownlie’s Quote Regarding Interdependent Factors

Re-Establishing Respect In Win-Lose Situations

Sometimes we end up in win-lose situations. I just came from one of those meetings where members had to vote ...
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The Meaning of Life According to Jean Brownlie

Exercising My Capacity To Love

I spent my weekend’s going to dances and I thought it was the dancing I loved. Instead, it was about ...
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Choice, Chance, Change

Choice, Chance, And Change To Heal

I made a choice to heal when I had the chance and it changed me. A few years ago, I ...
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Two Goats

Success Isn’t All About Competition

We are all unique so no one can do what we do the way we do it. Be happy for ...
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Stress Over Remote Work

3 Steps To Handle Workplace Bullies

The same bullying behavior that goes on in school can go on in the workplace. Often it is the people ...
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A Scooter

Lawnmower Parents Vs. Helicopter Parents

"Lawnmower parents" are the latest parenting trend. Under the guise of protection, these parents walk in front of their children ...
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A Woman Expresses Her Freedom

Healing Towards Happiness

"Not making a decision IS the same as making a decision." ~Jean Brownlie, WorkerSmarts Recently, I had a conversation with a ...
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A Quote About People’s Feelings

The Language Of Relationships – Intimacy

Building intimacy comes from making amends when we hurt someone. The crumpled paper analogy gives a visual to something we ...
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A Couple

The Language Of Relationships – Saying The Right Thing

Turn upset into laughter with some skillful communication. Saying the right thing at the right time. Even a skillful communicator ...
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