Take The Jump – Life Or Work Change

When I was a teenager, I went downhill skiing for the first time. I practiced on the bunny hill until I felt ready for the ski slope. I stood next to the ropes bringing up skiers while staring down at the bottom of slope trying to get the courage to take the plunge. Finally, a skier getting off the ropes nicked the back of my skis and I went flying down with my poles flailing behind me! Surprisingly, I came to a safe landing at the bottom still standing upright. An interesting thing happened – I was no longer afraid. The same is true for work lives. Gradually, I realized that even though I enjoyed my work, I had a lot more to give and it was not going to happen in my current job. Once again I stood at the edge afraid to jump. I had a lot of excuses that kept me there. I was a single parent so I stayed until my children graduated. Then I thought I could make things better where I was or I was too out-of-date. I even interviewed but did not get the jobs. So I rationalized it must mean I was supposed to stay, right? Finally, God had to give me a nudge – rather a shove to get me to take that jump of faith.

Things had changed where I no longer enjoyed going to work. I loved helping the customers and training participants. But increasingly, my job was more about putting out fires than actually doing the work. This was the shove. The actual jump came as a leap of faith when I took early retirement.

At first, I felt like I was free falling and I did not know where I was going to land. The doors were closed on my initial plans to partner for work. A small voice rose up in me to start my own business. I relied on God and he blessed me with new customers and work opportunities. I am free to be me and use the parts of me that were left untouched. Yes, there were bumps and bruises along the way and I am sure there will be more. But God was just waiting for me to jump. He is true to His promises and I am no longer afraid to take that jump because I know God has a plan even when my plans do not work out.

The video by Steve Harvey called You Have to Jump says it best. I hope you jump.

Jean Brownlie

Jean Brownlie, M.A., is a certified trainer and hybrid consultant with a listening ear and reasonable voice for growing your business.